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This workshop can be delivered to Primary and Secondary Schools as well as to other learning centres and cultural institutions.

Participantes are encouraged to create an architectural model of a space that changes with light and colour. Inspired by the works of artists and architects, children will be encouraged to look at forms and patterns in the shadows created by nature and buildings. And they will design and customise their own light box-spaces, experimenting and testing materials with different colours, textures, and transparencies.


Who is it for?

This workshop can be offered to children age 9-13, being designed according to participants’ disposition and to the aims and needs of the school or organisation's learning programme.


This activity can be run as an After-school Club or a Full Day Workshop (5-6 hours, for the whole family or for children only), as a 3-4-days Workshop, or even as a shorter activity according to the children's’ age and the organisation’s goals.

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