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What if we could re-imagine our play areas? 


Did you know nature shapes, structures and their functions inspire many architectural and design projects? Can we learn from nature, observing how different animals bridge gaps as well as build their own community connections?

This club can be offered to Primary and to Lower Secondary School students, as well as to community and cultural centres. It can be run either in-person or set as a combination of online+in-person meetings.

A project-based after-school club where children can playfully develop a sensitivity to the design of spaces surrounding them – supporting a more attentive and curious look at the designed dimensions of the world – and encourages them to critically and creatively engage with the built environment as well as to use their imagination to explore new possibilities.

Who is it for?

This after-school club can be offered either to Upper Primary (children
aged 8-11) or to Lower Secondary (children aged 11-13), being designed accordingly to participants’ disposition and to the schools' aims and guidelines.



This activity can be run in 60-80 minutes sessions, once a week, for approximately 8-10 weeks.

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