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This project can be delivered to primary schools as well as to other learning centres and cultural institutions.

Children are invited to face the challenge of building a “3D-Model-Chain-Reaction” of a Food Chain or Food Web. With the support of some pre-selected materials and objects, they are encouraged to recover and find out more about some habitats, environments and the related food chains/webs in order to inform the decisions they have to take to set up the “chain”. Participants work in small groups, but each group builds one part of the whole chain, so teamwork is very important in this activity. Kids are able to understand the concept of food chains while experimenting and testing different forces actions and reactions, observing the consequences of the “lack or displacement” of certain “elements” of the chain.

Who is it for?

This workshop can be offered either to Upper KS1 (children age 6-7) or KS2 (children age 8-11), being designed according to participants’ disposition and to the aims and needs of the organisation's learning programme.



This activity can be run as part of an After-school Club or a Half Day Workshop (3-4 hours, for the whole family or for children only) or even as a shorter activity (especially for children aged 6-7), according to the students’ age and the organisation’s objectives.

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